* This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
* support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
* any purpose.
* Watersensor.ino
* Funktion to read digital humidity sensor as water arlert for vehicle
* Author: Volker Frauenstein
* Date: 03/03/2021 Version: 1.1 threshold for hysteresis as const added
* Date: 05/01/2021 Version: 1.0 implementation for digital interface of sensor
// pinout definition for the watersensor
const int Pin_w = 23;
// generig definitions
int MS_hyst = 0; // counter for MS_hyst
const int Wthold = 10; // threshold for hysteresis
// #define DEBUG_W
void setup_watersensor() {
pinMode(Pin_w, INPUT);
bool checkwater() { // function to check if water is dedected in vehicle
int check = digitalRead(Pin_w);
if (check > 0) { // PIN HIGH -> no alert
#ifdef DEBUG_W
Serial.print("wateralarm: off - ");Serial.println(check);
AlarmLED(false); // LED should keep state color
return LOW;
if (check == 0 && MS_hyst < Wthold) { // we have water alert, but wait to be sure
#ifdef DEBUG_W
Serial.print("initiate alarm - counter: ");Serial.println(MS_hyst);
return LOW;
if (check == 0 && MS_hyst == Wthold) { // now we have water alert return HIGH
#ifdef DEBUG_W
Serial.print("wateralarm on: - ");Serial.println(check);
AlarmLED(true); // LED set to white-blinking
return HIGH;
} // function closed