 *  This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
 *  support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
 *  any purpose.
 *  Turuntable.ino
 *  Functions to control rotation speed of a turntable with Stepper including 4 modes
 *  the modes are trigger with the two switches of Switchprop switchOn[S0,S1]
 *  PropMode [0,0]: Rotation direction and speed controlled with proportional part of
 *                  SwitchProp like an ECU function - runPropTable()
 *  ServoMode[0,1]: Rotation controlled with proportional part of SwitchProp like a
 *                  Servo from -180 to 180 degree - runServoTable
 *  RotMode  [1,0]: Turntable rotates against the ship rotation and keep its orientation
 *                  If ship is not rotating turntable is orientated to forward - runRotTable()
 *  SyncMode [1,1]: Turntable set its orientation as ordert with the linear movement direction.
 *                  Rotation will be compensated. If no movement direction is given the
 *                  turntable is orientated to forward  - runPosTable(e)
 *  The functions are using the stepper library. This lib must be available to build this binary.
 *  The step function of the stepper lib is blocking the runtime of other functions,
 *  therefore this implementation avoids calls of the step function with more then 1 step.
 *  To get a smooth run of the stepper, the step calls are timed and limited against the
 *  max. rotation speed of the used stepper (stepSpeed). The definition part for adjustable values
 *  must be adapted according the technical data sheet of the used stepper.
 *  At Setup a function to set orientation of turntable is used. For this a hallsensor
 *  at orientation direction of vehicle and a magnet on turntable orientation point is
 *  needed. Therefor the Hallsensor.ino mast be part of the sketch as well.
 *  Author: Volker Frauenstein
 *  Date: 09/01/2023 Version: 1.5 function calls for FlashLED functions added in runTable()
 *  Date: 04/12/2022 Version: 1.4 timed stepper calls modified to speed up with 20ms RC loops.
 *                                New and adpted functions: ReStep, PrepDeltaStep, stepNow
 *  Date: 05/05/2021 Version: 1.3 Mode definitions adapted and functions expanded,
 *                                hallsensor interface and setupTable function adapted
 *  Date: 22/04/2021 Version: 1.2 interface for LED controll modes (LED_Tmode) added
 *  Date: 03/04/2021 Version: 1.1 function for position finding of turntable at startup added
 *  Date: 01/03/2021 Version: 1.0 implementation with L298N H-Bridge and Stepper

// Definitions to handle output to Stepper
#include "Stepper.h"

// definition for pinout to motor driver L298N
const int pinIN1 = 19;                         // IN1 of L298N stepper driver
const int pinIN2 = 18;
const int pinIN3 = 05;
const int pinIN4 = 17;                         // IN4 of L298N stepper driver

// definitions for adjustable values
const int stepsPerTurn = 200;                  // number of steps per revolution (depends on Stepper)
const int stepLimit = stepsPerTurn-1;          // step counter starts with 0, therefor limit must be 1 lower as turns
//const int stepSpeed = 160;                     // rotation speed of stepper per minute (depends on Stepper)
const int stepSpeed = 110;                     // rotation speed of stepper per minute (depends on Stepper)
const float stepDurationMax = 50;              // maximal duration in ms between to steps (bigger value -> slower)
const float deadzoneProp = 0.08;               // RC Channel Deadzone of x% positiv values
const float deadzoneNProp = - 0.08;            // RC Channel Deadzone of x% negativ values

// definition of stepper object for turntable
Stepper turntable(stepsPerTurn, pinIN1,pinIN2,pinIN3,pinIN4);

// generig definitions
unsigned long turnTimer = 0;                   // variable for time measurement
// minimal duration in ms between to steps
const float stepDurationMin = 60000 / (float(stepsPerTurn)*float(stepSpeed));
const float stepAngel = 360 / float(stepsPerTurn);    // rotation angel per step
const int stepsPerHalf = stepsPerTurn / 2;     // number of steps per halfrevolution
int stepDurationHigh = stepDurationMin +1;     // buffer for upcomming duration between two steps higher value
int stepDurationLow = stepDurationMin +1;      // buffer for upcomming duration between two steps lower value
bool NextStepLow = true;                       // buffer to toggle between stepDurationHigh and Low
unsigned long TnextStep = 0;                   // buffer timestamp for next step in 20ms interval
bool c_wise = true;                            // buffer direction of needed steps in 20ms interval -> true is clockwise
int CycleSteps = 0;                            // buffer for upcomming amount of steps in 20ms cycle
bool lowstep = false;                          // trigger for streched step duration
bool hallfound = false;                        // trigger for hallsensor seen
int hallcount = -1;                            // counter for hallsensor seen -> -1 at startup
int countback = 0;                             // counter for revers steps till midposition
bool setup_done = false;                       // setup (findTableZero) done if true
unsigned long last = 0;                        // last loop time measurement counter
bool pZero = false;                            // position zero of turntable found if true
bool measLimit = true;                         // flag to trigger hallsensor limit finding

// generig definitions for debug
#define DEBUG_TT 1                           // set activ if debuging of turntable is needed
//#define DEBUG_TTX 1                          // set activ if extended debuging of turntable is needed

#ifdef DEBUG_TTX
 unsigned long startime = 0;
 unsigned long lastduration = 0;
 int countT = 1;

void setupTable() {                            // setup function for stepper motor

  turntable.setSpeed(stepSpeed);               // set stepper duration per step
  #ifdef DEBUG_TT
    Serial.print("SetupTable -> stepSpeed: ");Serial.println(stepSpeed);

  // counter for errorlevel
  int counter = stepsPerTurn*3;                // give up after 3 round tripps

  do {                                         // find turntable position zero step by step
    unsigned long now = millis();              // get timestamp for stepper cycle
    unsigned long duration = now - last;       // calc duration till last run
    if (duration >= 5) {                       // time is over
     if (counter == (stepsPerTurn*2)) {        // first run with hall sensor measurment activ
       setHallLimit();                         // to find secured limit for next run
       measLimit = false;                      // deactivate measurment for second run
     findTableZero();                          // call function to find startposition of turntable
     counter--;                                // decrise errorcounter
     unsigned long last = now;                 // setup time for next cycle
     #ifdef DEBUG_TT
      Serial.print(", count: ");Serial.print(counter);
      Serial.print(", pZero: ");Serial.println(pZero);
  } while ((counter > 0) && !pZero );          // till error level reached or position found
  setup_done = true;
  #ifdef DEBUG_S
   Serial.print("SetupTable done: ");Serial.println(pZero);

void findTableZero() {                         // function to find orientation zero for turntable

  if (!read_hall(measLimit)) {                 // turntable is near position zero
    if (hallfound) {                           // and steps till found known
      hallcount++;                             // proceed with counting
      c_wise = true;                           // prepare for clockwise
      stepNow(2);                              // and step two times per function call
      #ifdef DEBUG_TT
       Serial.print(", 1 count found: ");
    else {
      if (hallcount < 0) {                     // startup -> run more than 360 degree to find position
        c_wise = true;                         // prepare for clockwise
        stepNow(2);                            // and step two times per function call
        #ifdef DEBUG_TT
         Serial.print(", 2 start inside: ");
      else {                                   // first time hall sensor seen
        hallfound = true;                      // set infoflag that hall sensor hase been seen
        hallcount = 0;                         // and start counting steps of area
        c_wise = true;                         // prepare for clockwise
        stepNow(2);                            // and step two times per function call
        #ifdef DEBUG_TT
         Serial.print(", 3 found first: ");
  else {                                       // turntable is not near position zero
    if (hallfound) {                           // we have past hall sensor area
      if (hallcount < 0) {                     // startup was in hall sensor arera
        hallcount = 0;                         // start the long way round
        c_wise = true;                         // prepare for clockwise
        stepNow(2);                            // and step two times per function call
        #ifdef DEBUG_TT
         Serial.print(", 4 run outside: ");
      else {                                   // we have past hall sensor area right now
        countback = (hallcount+1)/2;           // half the staps back for midpoint
        for (int i = 0; i < countback; i++){
        c_wise = false;                        // prepare for clockwise
        stepNow(5);                            // and step two times per function call
        #ifdef DEBUG_TT
         Serial.print(", 5 go back: ");Serial.print(countback);Serial.print(" Steps ");
        stepOffset = 0;                        // position zero reached
        pZero = true;
        LED_Smode[0] = true;                   // LED set to blue for 3 seconds
    else {                                     // startup is outside hall sensor area
      hallcount = 0;                           // start the long way round
      c_wise = true;                           // prepare for clockwise
      stepNow(2);                              // and step two times per function call
      #ifdef DEBUG_TT
       Serial.print(", 6 start outside: ");
  #ifdef DEBUG_TT
   Serial.print("ST hallfound: ");Serial.print(hallfound);
   Serial.print(", hallcount: ");Serial.print(hallcount);
}                                              // end function findTableZero

void runTable() {                              // main turntable function to select mode

  #ifdef DEBUG_TT
    Serial.println(" ");

  if (!setup_done) {                           // wait till turntable setup is finished
    #ifdef DEBUG_TT
     Serial.println("No TT calibration done.");

  if (switchOn[0]) {                           // check if ship is in RotMode
    if (switchOn[1]) {                         // check if turntable should be syncronised
      #ifdef DEBUG_TT
       Serial.print("rsTable: ");
      LED_Tmode = 4;                           // set matching LED mode
      runPosTable();                           // SyncMode is aktiv, calculate turntable direction
      if (c_wise) SyncFlashLED(CycleSteps);    // coordinate FlashLED sequenze according
        else SyncFlashLED(-CycleSteps);        // to given turntable position and rotation direction
    else {                                     // no SyncMode activ, but RotMode
      LED_Tmode = 3;                           // set matching LED mode
      #ifdef DEBUG_TT
       Serial.print("r_Table: ");
      runRotTable();                           // calculate rotation according the given yaw values
      if (c_wise) SyncFlashLED(CycleSteps);    // coordinate FlashLED sequenze according
        else SyncFlashLED(-CycleSteps);        // to given turntable position and rotation direction
  else {                                       // RotMode is off
    if (switchOn[1]) {                         // check if turntable should be syncronised
      LED_Tmode = 2;                           // set matching LED mode
      #ifdef DEBUG_TT
       Serial.print("psTable: ");
      runServoTable(Prop_now);                 // yes ServoMode is activ, calculate turntable direction
      ServoFlashLED(Prop_now);                 // coordinate FlashLED sequenze according to given prop position
    else {                                     // no PropMode is activ
      LED_Tmode = 1;                           // set matching LED mode
      #ifdef DEBUG_TT
       Serial.print("p_Table: ");
      if (Prop_now != 0) {                     // only if prop value is not zero
        runPropTable(Prop_now);                // rotation according the proportional part of SP
        if (c_wise) PropFlashLED(CycleSteps);  // coordinate FlashLED sequenze according
        else PropFlashLED(CycleSteps);         // to given turntable position and rotation direction
}                                              // end function runTable

void runPropTable(float Speed) {               // function to control turntable via RC value (like an ECU)

  unsigned int steps2go = Speed*10;            // normalize speed request to needed steps in time interval 20ms

  #ifdef DEBUG_TT
    Serial.print("Speed: ");Serial.print(Speed);
  PrepDeltaStep(steps2go, false);              // prepare for the calculated steps in this cycle
                                               // No else -> no movement of turntable requiered
}                                              // end function runPropTable

void runRotTable() {                           // function to rotate turntable againgst shiprotation

  float YawPos;                                // position wehre stepper must go in degree
  float CompRate;                              // compensation value for high yawrates
  int PosCalc;
  int RotSteps;

  if (abs(yawrate) <= yawrate_idle) {          // no rotation, just set yaw position to zero
    PosCalc = 0;                               // transfer into interger steps
    #ifdef DEBUG_TT
     Serial.print("i ");
  else {
    YawPos = calcYawPos() / stepAngel;         // transform Yaw into steps
    CompRate = (yawrate * 0.01) / stepAngel;   // calculate lead yaw with half of the normal RC signal loop of 20ms
    YawPos = YawPos + CompRate;                // compensate yaw
    PosCalc = YawPos;                          // transfer into interger steps
    #ifdef DEBUG_TT
     Serial.print("r ");
     Serial.print(", yaw: ");Serial.print(yaw);
     Serial.print(" YawPos: ");Serial.print(YawPos);

  PosCalc = PosCalc - stepOffset;              // calc the amount of delta steps
  #ifdef DEBUG_TT
    Serial.print(", stepOffsetStart: ");Serial.print(stepOffset);
    Serial.print(", PosCalc: ");Serial.print(PosCalc);

  if (PosCalc >= 0) {                          // short rotation is clockwise
    if (PosCalc > stepsPerHalf) {              // clockwise is long way
      RotSteps = PosCalc - stepsPerTurn;       // set short way with negativ value
    else {
      RotSteps = PosCalc;                      // clockwise is short
  else {                                       // short rotation is anticlockwise
    if (PosCalc < -stepsPerHalf) {             // anticlockwise is long way
      RotSteps = stepsPerTurn + PosCalc;       // set short way with positiv value
    else {
      RotSteps = PosCalc;                      // anticlockwise ist short
  PrepDeltaStep(RotSteps, true);               // prepare for the calculated steps in this cycle
}                                              // end function runRotTable

void runPosTable() {                           // function to step turntable to the lineare movement orientation of ship

  float StepperNow = stepAngel * stepOffset;   // calc actuel position off stepper as angle from 0 to 360
  float Mo_Pos;                                // virtual angel of movement direction
  float Yaw_Pos;                               // virtual angel of yaw direction
  float DeltaPos;                              // angle the turntable should point to
  float TempDelta;                             // value for partial results
  int DeltaSteps;                              // amount of needed steps from actual turntable position to movement direction

  #ifdef DEBUG_TT
   Serial.print("yaw: ");Serial.print(yaw);
   Serial.print(", yawrate: ");Serial.print(yawrate);
   Serial.print(", stepOffsetStart: ");Serial.print(stepOffset);
   Serial.print(", StepperNow: ");Serial.print(StepperNow);
  Mo_Pos = calcOrientPos();                    // get movement direction from mo_degree (0 to 360 degree)
  Yaw_Pos = calcYawPos();                      // get rotation direction from yaw value (0 to 360 degree)
  Yaw_Pos = Yaw_Pos + (yawrate * 0.01);        // calculate lead yaw with half of the normal RC signal loop of 20ms

  #ifdef DEBUG_TT
   Serial.print(", Mo_Pos: ");Serial.print(Mo_Pos);
   Serial.print(", Yaw_Pos: ");Serial.print(Yaw_Pos);

  DeltaPos = Mo_Pos + Yaw_Pos;                 // sum up both virtual angles
  if (DeltaPos >= 360) {
    DeltaPos = DeltaPos - 360;                 // and trimm it
  TempDelta = DeltaPos - StepperNow;           // calc the delta angle for this cycle
  if (TempDelta >= 0) {                        // short rotation is clockwise
    if (TempDelta > 180) {                     // clockwise is long way
      DeltaPos = TempDelta - 360;              // set short way with negativ value
    else {
      DeltaPos = TempDelta;                    // clockwise is short
  else {                                       // short rotation is anticlockwise
    if (TempDelta < -180) {                    // anticlockwise is long way
      DeltaPos = 360 + TempDelta;              // set short way with positiv value
    else {
      DeltaPos = TempDelta;                    // anticlockwise ist short
  #ifdef DEBUG_TT
   Serial.print(", DeltaPos: ");Serial.print(DeltaPos);
  DeltaSteps = DeltaPos / stepAngel;           // calc delta degree into delta steps
  PrepDeltaStep(DeltaSteps, false);            // prepare for the calculated steps in this cycle
}                                              // end function runPosTable

void runServoTable(float ServoPos) {           // function to step turntable via RC value from -180 to 180 degree

  int stepPos = 100 * ServoPos;                // normalize angle request to needed steps from stepOffset = 0
  if (stepPos < 0) {                           // transform negativ request to high stepoffsets
    stepPos = stepsPerTurn + stepPos;          // subtract from max steps ammount
  int stepDelta;

  #ifdef DEBUG_TT
   Serial.print("stepOffsetStart: ");Serial.print(stepOffset);
   Serial.print(", ServoPos: ");Serial.print(ServoPos);
   Serial.print(", stepPos: ");Serial.print(stepPos);

  // set deadzone limits and go to stepoffset zero
  if ((ServoPos > deadzoneNProp) && (ServoPos < deadzoneProp)) {
    if (stepOffset > stepsPerHalf) {           // go clockwise
      stepDelta = stepsPerTurn - stepOffset;   // with positiv values
      #ifdef DEBUG_TT
       Serial.print(", c ");
    else {                                     // go anticlockwise
      stepDelta = - stepOffset;                // with negativ values
      #ifdef DEBUG_TT
       Serial.print(", a ");
  else if (ServoPos > 0) {                     // check rotation direction
    if (stepOffset <= stepsPerHalf) {          // stepper ist already on clock side
      stepDelta = stepPos - stepOffset;        // calc clockwise with positiv values
      #ifdef DEBUG_TT
       Serial.print(", cc ");
    else {                                     // stepper is on the wrong side
      // must be clockwise with positiv values
      stepDelta = stepPos + stepsPerTurn - stepOffset;
      #ifdef DEBUG_TT
       Serial.print(", ca ");
  else {                                       // action is on anticlock side
    if (stepOffset >= stepsPerHalf) {          // stepper ist already on anticlock side
      stepDelta = stepPos - stepOffset;        // calc anticlockwise with negativ values
      #ifdef DEBUG_TT
       Serial.print(", aa ");
    else {                                     // stepper is on the wrong side
      // must be anticlockwise with negativ values
      stepDelta = stepPos - stepsPerTurn - stepOffset;
      #ifdef DEBUG_TT
       Serial.print(", ac ");
  PrepDeltaStep(stepDelta, false);             // prepare for the calculated steps in this cycle
  CycleSteps = 0;                              // slow function no further steps in this cycle needed
}                                              // end function runServoTable

float calcOrientPos() {                        // function to transform mo_degree to value 0 to 360
                                               // mo_degree pionts to linear movement direction
  float tempPos = mo_degree;                   // copy mo_degree for calculation
  if (mo_degree < 0) {                         // check if value is negativ
    tempPos = 360 + tempPos;                   // map it to 181 to 360
  #ifdef DEBUG_TT
   Serial.print(", OrientPos: ");Serial.print(tempPos);
  return tempPos;                              // return value
}                                              // end function CalcOrientPos(

float calcYawPos() {                           // function to transform yaw to value 0 to 360

  float yawPos = yaw;                          // copy yaw for calculation
  if (yaw < 0) {                               // check if value is negativ
    yawPos = 360 + yawPos;                     // map it to 181 to 360
  #ifdef DEBUG_TT
   //Serial.print(", YawPos: ");Serial.print(yawPos);
  return yawPos;                               // return value
}                                              // end function CalcOrientPos

bool PrepDeltaStep(int Dsteps, bool led) {     // function to transform amount of steps to step duration

  float stepDuration;                          // timeinterval of needed steps
  bool maxSpeed = false;                       // flag set if stepper is to slow

  if (abs(Dsteps) > 0) {                       // check if there is a delta to last cycle
    stepDuration = 20/abs(float(Dsteps));      // transfer amount of steps to step duration for 20ms
    if (stepDuration < stepDurationMin) {      // check if stepper can perform the speed
      stepDuration = stepDurationMin;          // high delta -> give full speed
      maxSpeed = true;
    stepDurationHigh = stepDuration - 0.25;    // buffer step duration in full ms (higer value if in between numbers)
    stepDurationLow = stepDuration + 0.25;     // buffer step duration in full ms (lower value if in between numbers)
    TnextStep = stepDurationHigh + millis();   // set time for next step in 20ms interval
    NextStepLow = true;                        // set toggleflg for second step call in cycle
    if (Dsteps > 0) {
      CycleSteps = Dsteps;                     // buffer amount of steps in this cycle
      c_wise = true;                           // buffer step clockwise
      stepNow(stepDurationHigh);               // step first time in 20ms interval
    else if (Dsteps < 0) {
      CycleSteps = - Dsteps;                   // buffer amount of steps in this cycle
      c_wise = false;                          // buffer step anticlockwise
      stepNow(stepDurationHigh);               // step first time in 20ms interval
  else {                                       // no steps needed in this cycle
    CycleSteps = 0;                            // buffer amount of steps in this cycle
    stepDurationHigh = stepDurationMax + 1;    // buffer step duration in full ms (higer value if in between numbers)
    stepDurationLow = stepDurationMax + 1;     // buffer step duration in full ms (lower value if in between numbers)
    TnextStep = stepDurationHigh + millis();   // set time for next step in 20ms interval
  // buffer step duration
  if (led && maxSpeed) {LED_Smode[1] = true;}  // set LED mode if stepper is to slow
  else {LED_Smode[1] = false;}

  #ifdef DEBUG_TT
   Serial.print(", stepDelta: ");Serial.print(Dsteps);
   Serial.print(" -> Duration: ");Serial.print(stepDurationHigh);Serial.print("/");Serial.print(stepDurationLow);
   Serial.print(" ,c_wise: ");Serial.print(c_wise);
   Serial.print(", stepOffsetEnd: ");Serial.println(stepOffset);
   Serial.print("Stepsleft: ");Serial.print(CycleSteps);
  return maxSpeed;                             // return value
}                                              // end function DoDeltaStep

void stepNow(int msDuration) {                 // function to time step for given duration

  #ifdef DEBUG_TTX
   if (countT < 2){
     startime = millis();

  if (msDuration < 2){                         // below 2ms is to fast for time measurement -> full speed
    if (c_wise) {                              // check rotation direction
      calcOffset(2);                           // update Offsetcounter
      CycleSteps = CycleSteps - 2;             // update amount of steps in this cycle
      turntable.step(-2);                      // and step twiche
    else {
      calcOffset(-2);                          // update Offsetcounter
      CycleSteps = CycleSteps - 2;             // update amount of steps in this cycle
      turntable.step(2);                       // and step twiche anticlockwise
    #ifdef DEBUG_TTX
  else {                                       // slower than 2ms per step
    #ifdef DEBUG_TTX
    if (c_wise) {                              // check rotation direktion
      calcOffset(1);                           // update Offsetcounter
      CycleSteps--;                            // update amount of steps in this cycle
      turntable.step(-1);                      // and step
    else {
      calcOffset(-1);                          // update Offsetcounter
      CycleSteps--;                            // update amount of steps in this cycle
      turntable.step(1);                       // and step anticlockwise
  #ifdef DEBUG_TTX
   if (countT > stepLimit){
     countT = 1;
     lastduration = millis() - startime;
     Serial.print(", msDuration: ");Serial.print(msDuration);
     Serial.print(", Offset: ");Serial.print(stepOffset);
     Serial.print(", Duration: ");Serial.println(lastduration);
     Serial.print("-> RPM: ");Serial.println(60000/lastduration);
}                                              // end function stepNow

void ReStep() {                                // function to time multiple steps in 20ms interval

  if (CycleSteps > 0) {                        // wait till multiple steps in cycle is needed
    unsigned long Tnow = millis();             // get time
    if ( Tnow >= TnextStep) {                  // check if time til next step hase elapsed
      if (CycleSteps == 1) {                   // check if there is only on step left in 20ms interval
        stepNow(3);                            // last step just do one step, duration > 2ms needed
        return;                                // no mor determination needed this time
      if (NextStepLow)  {                      // check if is time for high or low duration
        TnextStep = stepDurationLow + Tnow;    // prepare for next step time as low
        stepNow(stepDurationLow);              // step next time in 20ms interval
      else {
        TnextStep = stepDurationHigh + Tnow;   // prepare for next step time as high
        stepNow(stepDurationHigh);             // step next time in 20ms interval
      NextStepLow = !NextStepLow;              // toggle flag

      #ifdef DEBUG_TT

bool calcOffset(int steps) {                   // function to count nummer of steps done from orientation zero
                                               // returns true if stepper passes orientation
  int tempOff = stepOffset + steps;            // calculate temporarily steps
  bool pass = false;                           // flag for pass of oriantation point

  if (tempOff > stepLimit) {                   // orientation point passed clockwise
    tempOff = tempOff - stepLimit;             // reset Offset
    pass = true;
  else if (tempOff < 0) {                      // orientation point passed anticlockwise
    tempOff = stepLimit + tempOff;             // reset Offset
    pass = true;
  stepOffset = tempOff;                        // copy Offset to global value
  return pass;                                 // and return orientation point passed flag
}                                              // end function calcOffset

int tablePos(int numseg) {                     // function to calc turntable position with given number of cyclesegments

  // calc segment of actual turntable position (count is clockwise)
  float tempseg  = (stepOffset * numseg) / stepsPerTurn;
  int segment = (int)(tempseg + 0.5);          // transfer segment to int and round it
  return segment;                              // return result
}                                              // end function tablePos