/* RC engine sound & LED controller for Arduino ESP32. Written by TheDIYGuy999
    Based on the code for ATmega 328: https://github.com/TheDIYGuy999/Rc_Engine_Sound

 *  ***** ESP32 CPU frequency must be set to 240MHz! *****

   Sound files converted with: https://github.com/TheDIYGuy999/Rc_Engine_Sound_ESP32/blob/master/Audio2Header.html
   Original converter code by bitluni (send him a high five, if you like the code)

   Parts of automatic transmision code from Wombii's fork: https://github.com/Wombii/Rc_Engine_Sound_ESP32

// Volker Frauenstein 06.01.2021 Migration Version 1.0 all for Sound output not needed functions deleted,
// - interface to DualDriveMixer engine speed as throttle simulator added
// - added functions to switch sounds on and off with multiswitch

// =======================================================================================================
// =======================================================================================================

// DEBUG options can slow down the playback loop! Only uncomment them for debugging, may slow down your system!
// #define ENGIN_DEBUG // uncomment it for input signal debugging informations
// #define DRIVE_DEBUG
// #define SWITCH_DEBUG

// Definitions for debug
  static unsigned long lastStateTime;
  static unsigned long lastStateTime;

// =======================================================================================================
// =======================================================================================================

// Header files
#include "headers/curves.h" // Nonlinear throttle curve arrays

// Libraries (you have to install all of them in the "Arduino sketchbook"/libraries folder)
#include "driver/rmt.h" // No need to install this, comes with ESP32 board definition (used for PWM signal detection)

// =======================================================================================================
// PIN ASSIGNMENTS & GLOBAL VARIABLES (Do not play around here)
// =======================================================================================================
// Pin assignment and wiring instructions ****************************************************************

#define DAC1 25 // connect pin25 (do not change the pin) to a 10kOhm resistor
#define DAC2 26 // connect pin26 (do not change the pin) to a 10kOhm resistor
// both outputs of the resistors above are connected together and then to the outer leg of a
// 10kOhm potentiometer. The other outer leg connects to GND. The middle leg connects to both inputs
// of a PAM8403 amplifier and allows to adjust the volume. This way, two speakers can be used.

// Global variables **********************************************************************

// Sound
volatile boolean engineOn = false;                       // Signal for engine on / off
volatile boolean engineStart = false;                    // Active, if engine is starting up
volatile boolean engineRunning = false;                  // Active, if engine is running
volatile boolean engineStop = false;                     // Active, if engine is shutting down
volatile boolean jakeBrakeRequest = false;               // Active, if engine jake braking is requested
volatile boolean engineJakeBraking = false;              // Active, if engine is jake braking
volatile boolean wastegateTrigger = false;               // Trigger wastegate (blowoff) after rapid throttle drop
volatile boolean dieselKnockTrigger = false;             // Trigger Diesel ignition "knock"
volatile boolean dieselKnockTriggerFirst = false;        // The first  Diesel ignition "knock" per sequence
volatile boolean airBrakeTrigger = false;                // Trigger for air brake noise
volatile boolean parkingBrakeTrigger = false;            // Trigger for air parking brake noise
volatile boolean shiftingTrigger = false;                // Trigger for shifting noise
volatile boolean hornTrigger = false;                    // Trigger for horn on / off
volatile boolean sirenTrigger = false;                   // Trigger for siren  on / off
volatile boolean sound1trigger = false;                  // Trigger for sound1  on / off
volatile boolean indicatorSoundOn = false;               // active, if indicator bulb is on

// Sound latches
volatile boolean hornLatch = false;                      // Horn latch bit
volatile boolean sirenLatch = false;                     // Siren latch bit

// Sound volumes
volatile uint16_t throttleDependentVolume = 0;           // engine volume according to throttle position
volatile uint16_t throttleDependentRevVolume = 0;        // engine rev volume according to throttle position
volatile uint16_t rpmDependentJakeBrakeVolume = 0;       // Engine rpm dependent jake brake volume
volatile uint16_t throttleDependentKnockVolume = 0;      // engine Diesel knock volume according to throttle position
volatile uint16_t throttleDependentTurboVolume = 0;      // turbo volume according to rpm
volatile uint16_t throttleDependentFanVolume = 0;        // cooling fan volume according to rpm
volatile uint16_t throttleDependentChargerVolume = 0;    // cooling fan volume according to rpm
volatile uint16_t throttleDependentWastegateVolume = 0;  // wastegate volume according to rpm
volatile int16_t masterVolume = 100;                     // Master volume percentage
volatile uint8_t dacOffset = 0;  // 128, but needs to be ramped up slowly to prevent popping noise, if switched on

// Throttle
int16_t currentThrottle = 0;                             // 0 - 500 (Throttle trigger input)
int16_t currentThrottleFaded = 0;                        // faded throttle for volume calculations etc.
int16_t ThrottleHistory = 0;
const uint8_t ThrottleZone = 30;

// Drivestate
volatile boolean escIsBraking = false;                   // Vehicle is in a braking state
volatile boolean escIsDriving = false;                   // Vehicle is in a driving state
int8_t driveState = 0;                                   // for vehicle state machine

// Engine
const int16_t maxRpm = 500;                              // always 500
const int16_t minRpm = 0;                                // always 0
int32_t currentRpm = 0;                                  // 0 - 500 (signed required!)
volatile uint8_t engineState = 0;                        // 0 = off, 1 = starting, 2 = running, 3 = stopping
int16_t engineLoad = 0;                                  // 0 - 500
volatile uint16_t engineSampleRate = 0;                  // Engine sample rate
int32_t speedLimit = maxRpm;                             // The speed limit, depending on selected virtual gear

// Clutch
boolean clutchDisengaged = true;                         // Active while clutch is disengaged

// Transmission
uint8_t selectedGear = 1;                                // The currently used gear of our shifting gearbox
uint8_t selectedAutomaticGear = 1;                       // The currently used gear of our automatic gearbox
boolean gearUpShiftingInProgress;                        // Active while shifting upwards
boolean gearDownShiftingInProgress;                      // Active while shifting downwards
boolean gearUpShiftingPulse;                             // Active, if shifting upwards begins
boolean gearDownShiftingPulse;                           // Active, if shifting downwards begins
volatile boolean neutralGear = false;                    // Transmission in neutral

// interface definitions to handle throttle value for engine sound -> definition in main.ino needed
// int16_t power = 0;                               // value from 0 to 500
// uint8_t drivestate = 0;                          // Vehicle state for sound - standstill, forward ...

// Sampling intervals for interrupt timer (adjusted according to your sound file sampling rate)
uint32_t maxSampleInterval = 4000000 / sampleRate;
uint32_t minSampleInterval = 4000000 / sampleRate * 100 / MAX_RPM_PERCENTAGE;

// Interrupt timer for variable sample rate playback (engine sound)
hw_timer_t * variableTimer = NULL;
volatile uint32_t variableTimerTicks = maxSampleInterval;

// Interrupt timer for fixed sample rate playback (horn etc., playing in parallel with engine sound)
hw_timer_t * fixedTimer = NULL;
volatile uint32_t fixedTimerTicks = maxSampleInterval;

// =======================================================================================================
// INTERRUPT FOR VARIABLE SPEED PLAYBACK (Engine sound, turbo sound)
// =======================================================================================================

void IRAM_ATTR variablePlaybackTimer() {

  static uint32_t attenuatorMillis;
  static uint32_t curEngineSample;              // Index of currently loaded engine sample
  static uint32_t curRevSample;                 // Index of currently loaded engine rev sample
  static uint32_t curTurboSample;               // Index of currently loaded turbo sample
  static uint32_t curFanSample;                 // Index of currently loaded fan sample
  static uint32_t curChargerSample;             // Index of currently loaded charger sample
  static uint32_t curStartSample;               // Index of currently loaded start sample
  static uint32_t curJakeBrakeSample;           // Index of currently loaded jake brake sample
  static uint32_t lastDieselKnockSample;        // Index of last Diesel knock sample
  static uint16_t attenuator;                   // Used for volume adjustment during engine switch off
  static uint16_t speedPercentage;              // slows the engine down during shutdown
  static int32_t a, a1, a2, a3, b, c, d, e;     // Input signals for mixer: a = engine, b = additional sound, c = turbo sound, d = fan sound, e = supercharger sound
  uint8_t a1Multi;                              // Volume multipliers


  switch (engineState) {

    case 0: // Engine off -----------------------------------------------------------------------
      variableTimerTicks = 4000000 / startSampleRate; // our fixed sampling rate
      timerAlarmWrite(variableTimer, variableTimerTicks, true); // // change timer ticks, autoreload true

      a = 0; // volume = zero
      if (engineOn) {
        engineState = 1;
        engineStart = true;

    case 1: // Engine start --------------------------------------------------------------------
      variableTimerTicks = 4000000 / startSampleRate; // our fixed sampling rate
      timerAlarmWrite(variableTimer, variableTimerTicks, true); // // change timer ticks, autoreload true

      if (curStartSample < startSampleCount - 1) {
        a = (startSamples[curStartSample] * throttleDependentVolume / 100 * startVolumePercentage / 100);
        curStartSample ++;
      else {
        curStartSample = 0;
        engineState = 2;
        engineStart = false;
        engineRunning = true;
        airBrakeTrigger = true;

    case 2: // Engine running ------------------------------------------------------------------

      // Engine idle & revving sounds (mixed together according to engine rpm, new in v5.0)
      variableTimerTicks = engineSampleRate;  // our variable idle sampling rate!
      timerAlarmWrite(variableTimer, variableTimerTicks, true); // // change timer ticks, autoreload true

      if (!engineJakeBraking) {
        if (curEngineSample < sampleCount - 1) {
          a1 = (samples[curEngineSample] * throttleDependentVolume / 100 * idleVolumePercentage / 100); // Idle sound
          a3 = 0;
          curEngineSample ++;

          // Optional rev sound, recorded at medium rpm. Note, that it needs to represent the same number of ignition cycles as the
          // idle sound. For example 4 or 8 for a V8 engine. It also needs to have about the same length. In order to adjust the length
          // or "revSampleCount", change the "Rate" setting in Audacity until it is about the same.
#ifdef REV_SOUND
          a2 = (revSamples[curRevSample] * throttleDependentRevVolume / 100 * revVolumePercentage / 100); // Rev sound
          if (curRevSample < revSampleCount) curRevSample ++;

          // Trigger throttle dependent Diesel ignition "knock" sound (played in the fixed sample rate interrupt)
          if (curEngineSample - lastDieselKnockSample > (sampleCount / dieselKnockInterval)) {
            dieselKnockTrigger = true;
            dieselKnockTriggerFirst = false;
            lastDieselKnockSample = curEngineSample;
        else {
          curEngineSample = 0;
          if (jakeBrakeRequest) engineJakeBraking = true;
#ifdef REV_SOUND
          curRevSample = 0;
          lastDieselKnockSample = 0;
          dieselKnockTrigger = true;
          dieselKnockTriggerFirst = true;
        curJakeBrakeSample = 0;
      else { // Jake brake sound ----
        a3 = (jakeBrakeSamples[curJakeBrakeSample] * rpmDependentJakeBrakeVolume / 100 * jakeBrakeVolumePercentage / 100); // Jake brake sound
        a2 = 0;
        a1 = 0;
        if (curJakeBrakeSample < jakeBrakeSampleCount - 1) curJakeBrakeSample ++;
        else {
          curJakeBrakeSample = 0;
          if (!jakeBrakeRequest) engineJakeBraking = false;

        curEngineSample = 0;
        curRevSample = 0;

      // Engine sound mixer ----
#ifdef REV_SOUND
      // Mixing the idle and rev sounds together, according to engine rpm
      // Below the "revSwitchPoint" target, the idle volume precentage is 90%, then falling to 0% @ max. rpm.
      // The total of idle and rev volume percentage is always 100%

      if (currentRpm > revSwitchPoint) a1Multi = map(currentRpm, idleEndPoint, revSwitchPoint, 0, idleVolumeProportionPercentage);
      else a1Multi = idleVolumeProportionPercentage; // 90 - 100% proportion
      if (currentRpm > idleEndPoint) a1Multi = 0;

      a1 = a1 * a1Multi / 100; // Idle volume
      a2 = a2 * (100 - a1Multi) / 100; // Rev volume

      a = a1 + a2 + a3; // Idle and rev sounds mixed together
      a = a1 + a3; // Idle sound only

      // Turbo sound ----------------------------------
      if (curTurboSample < turboSampleCount - 1) {
        c = (turboSamples[curTurboSample] * throttleDependentTurboVolume / 100 * turboVolumePercentage / 100);
        curTurboSample ++;
      else {
        curTurboSample = 0;

      // Fan sound -----------------------------------
      if (curFanSample < fanSampleCount - 1) {
        d = (fanSamples[curFanSample] * throttleDependentFanVolume / 100 * fanVolumePercentage / 100);
        curFanSample ++;
      else {
        curFanSample = 0;
      if (neutralGear) d = 0; // used for gearbox whining simulation, so not active in gearbox neutral

      // Supercharger sound --------------------------
      if (curChargerSample < chargerSampleCount - 1) {
        e = (chargerSamples[curChargerSample] * throttleDependentChargerVolume / 100 * chargerVolumePercentage / 100);
        curChargerSample ++;
      else {
        curChargerSample = 0;

      if (!engineOn) {
        speedPercentage = 100;
        attenuator = 1;
        engineState = 3;
        engineStop = true;
        engineRunning = false;

    case 3: // Engine stop --------------------------------------------------------------------
      variableTimerTicks = 4000000 / sampleRate * speedPercentage / 100; // our fixed sampling rate
      timerAlarmWrite(variableTimer, variableTimerTicks, true); // // change timer ticks, autoreload true

      if (curEngineSample < sampleCount - 1) {
        a = (samples[curEngineSample] * throttleDependentVolume / 100 * idleVolumePercentage / 100 / attenuator);
        curEngineSample ++;
      else {
        curEngineSample = 0;

      // fade engine sound out
      if (millis() - attenuatorMillis > 100) { // Every 50ms
        attenuatorMillis = millis();
        attenuator ++; // attenuate volume
        speedPercentage += 20; // make it slower (10)

      if (attenuator >= 50 || speedPercentage >= 500) { // 50 & 500
        a = 0;
        speedPercentage = 100;
        parkingBrakeTrigger = true;
        engineState = 4;
        engineStop = false;

    case 4: // parking brake bleeding air sound after engine is off ----------------------------

      if (!parkingBrakeTrigger) {
        engineState = 0;

  } // end of switch case

  // DAC output (groups a, b, c mixed together) ************************************************************************

  dacWrite(DAC1, constrain(((a * 8 / 10) + (b / 2) + (c / 5) + (d / 5) + (e / 5)) * masterVolume / 100 + dacOffset, 0, 255)); // Mix signals, add 128 offset, write result to DAC


// =======================================================================================================
// INTERRUPT FOR FIXED SPEED PLAYBACK (Horn etc., played in parallel with engine sound)
// =======================================================================================================

void IRAM_ATTR fixedPlaybackTimer() {

  static uint32_t curHornSample;                           // Index of currently loaded horn sample
  static uint32_t curSirenSample;                          // Index of currently loaded siren sample
  static uint32_t curSound1Sample;                         // Index of currently loaded sound1 sample
  static uint32_t curReversingSample;                      // Index of currently loaded reversing beep sample
  static uint32_t curIndicatorSample;                      // Index of currently loaded indicator tick sample
  static uint32_t curWastegateSample;                      // Index of currently loaded wastegate sample
  static uint32_t curBrakeSample;                          // Index of currently loaded brake sound sample
  static uint32_t curParkingBrakeSample;                   // Index of currently loaded brake sound sample
  static uint32_t curShiftingSample;                       // Index of currently loaded shifting sample
  static uint32_t curDieselKnockSample;                    // Index of currently loaded Diesel knock sample
  static int32_t a, a1, a2;                                // Input signals "a" for mixer
  static int32_t b, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8;    // Input signals "b" for mixer
  static boolean knockSilent;                              // This knock will be more silent
  static uint8_t curKnockCylinder;                         // Index of currently ignited zylinder


  // Group "a" (horn & siren) ******************************************************************

  if (hornTrigger || hornLatch) {
    fixedTimerTicks = 4000000 / hornSampleRate; // our fixed sampling rate
    timerAlarmWrite(fixedTimer, fixedTimerTicks, true); // // change timer ticks, autoreload true
    if (curHornSample < hornSampleCount - 1) {
      a1 =  (hornSamples[curHornSample] * hornVolumePercentage / 100);
      curHornSample ++;
#ifdef HORN_LOOP // Optional "endless loop" (points to be defined manually in horn file)
      if (hornTrigger && curHornSample == hornLoopEnd) curHornSample = hornLoopBegin; // Loop, if trigger still present
    else { // End of sample
      curHornSample = 0;
      a1 = 0;
      hornLatch = false;

  if (sirenTrigger || sirenLatch) {
    fixedTimerTicks = 4000000 / sirenSampleRate; // our fixed sampling rate
    timerAlarmWrite(fixedTimer, fixedTimerTicks, true); // // change timer ticks, autoreload true

    if (curSirenSample < sirenSampleCount - 1) {
      a2 = (sirenSamples[curSirenSample] * sirenVolumePercentage / 100);
      curSirenSample ++;
#ifdef SIREN_LOOP // Optional "endless loop" (points to be defined manually in siren file)
      if (sirenTrigger && curSirenSample == sirenLoopEnd) curSirenSample = sirenLoopBegin; // Loop, if trigger still present
    else { // End of sample
      curSirenSample = 0;
      a2 = 0;
      sirenLatch = false;

  // Group "b" (other sounds) **********************************************************************

  // Sound 1 "b0" ----
  if (sound1trigger) {
     fixedTimerTicks = 4000000 / sound1SampleRate; // our fixed sampling rate
    timerAlarmWrite(fixedTimer, fixedTimerTicks, true); // // change timer ticks, autoreload true

    if (curSound1Sample < sound1SampleCount - 1) {
      b0 = (sound1Samples[curSound1Sample] * sound1VolumePercentage / 100);
      curSound1Sample ++;
    else {
      sound1trigger = false;
  else {
    curSound1Sample = 0; // ensure, next sound will start @ first sample
    b0 = 0;

  // Wastegate (blowoff) sound, triggered after rapid throttle drop -----------------------------------
  if (wastegateTrigger) {
    if (curWastegateSample < wastegateSampleCount - 1) {
      b3 = (wastegateSamples[curWastegateSample] * throttleDependentWastegateVolume / 100 * wastegateVolumePercentage / 100);
      curWastegateSample ++;
    else {
      wastegateTrigger = false;
  else {
    b3 = 0;
    curWastegateSample = 0; // ensure, next sound will start @ first sample

  // Air brake release sound, triggered after stop -----------------------------------------------
  if (airBrakeTrigger) {
    if (curBrakeSample < brakeSampleCount - 1) {
      b4 = (brakeSamples[curBrakeSample] * brakeVolumePercentage / 100);
      curBrakeSample ++;
    else {
      airBrakeTrigger = false;
  else {
    b4 = 0;
    curBrakeSample = 0; // ensure, next sound will start @ first sample

  // Air parking brake attaching sound, triggered after engine off --------------------------------
  if (parkingBrakeTrigger) {
    if (curParkingBrakeSample < parkingBrakeSampleCount - 1) {
      b5 = (parkingBrakeSamples[curParkingBrakeSample] * parkingBrakeVolumePercentage / 100);
      curParkingBrakeSample ++;
    else {
      parkingBrakeTrigger = false;
  else {
    b5 = 0;
    curParkingBrakeSample = 0; // ensure, next sound will start @ first sample

  // Pneumatic gear shifting sound, triggered while shifting the TAMIYA 3 speed transmission ------
  if (shiftingTrigger && engineRunning  && !automatic && !doubleClutch) {
    if (curShiftingSample < shiftingSampleCount - 1) {
      b6 = (shiftingSamples[curShiftingSample] * shiftingVolumePercentage / 100);
      curShiftingSample ++;
    else {
      shiftingTrigger = false;
  else {
    b6 = 0;
    curShiftingSample = 0; // ensure, next sound will start @ first sample

  // Diesel ignition "knock" played in fixed sample rate section, because we don't want changing pitch! ------
  if (dieselKnockTriggerFirst) {
    dieselKnockTriggerFirst = false;
    curKnockCylinder = 0;

  if (dieselKnockTrigger) {
    dieselKnockTrigger = false;
    curKnockCylinder ++; // Count ignition sequence
    curDieselKnockSample = 0;

#ifdef V8 // (former ADAPTIVE_KNOCK_VOLUME, rename it in your config file!)
  // Ford or Scania V8 ignition sequence: 1 - 5 - 4 - 2* - 6 - 3 - 7 - 8* (* = louder knock pulses, because 2nd exhaust in same manifold after 90°)
  if (curKnockCylinder == 4 || curKnockCylinder == 8) knockSilent = false;
  else knockSilent = true;

#ifdef V2
  // V2 engine: 1st and 2nd knock pulses (of 4) will be louder
  if (curKnockCylinder == 1 || curKnockCylinder == 2) knockSilent = false;
  else knockSilent = true;

#ifdef R6
  // R6 inline 6 engine: 6th knock pulse (of 6) will be louder
  if (curKnockCylinder == 6) knockSilent = false;
  else knockSilent = true;

  if (curDieselKnockSample < knockSampleCount) {
    b7 = (knockSamples[curDieselKnockSample] * dieselKnockVolumePercentage / 100 * throttleDependentKnockVolume / 100);
    curDieselKnockSample ++;
    if (knockSilent) b7 = b7 * dieselKnockAdaptiveVolumePercentage / 100; // changing knock volume according to engine type and cylinder!

  // Mixing sounds together ----
  a = a1 + a2; // Horn & siren
  b = b0 * 5 + b1 + b2 / 2 + b3 + b4 + b5 + b6 + b7; // Other sounds

  // DAC output (groups a + b mixed together) ****************************************************************************

  dacWrite(DAC2, constrain(((a * 8 / 10) + (b * 2 / 10)) * masterVolume / 100 + dacOffset, 0, 255)); // Mix signals, add 128 offset, write result to DAC


// =======================================================================================================
// MAIN ARDUINO SETUP (1x during startup)
// =======================================================================================================

void sound_setup() {

  // Refresh sample intervals (important, because MAX_RPM_PERCENTAGE was probably changed above)
  maxSampleInterval = 4000000 / sampleRate;
  minSampleInterval = 4000000 / sampleRate * 100 / MAX_RPM_PERCENTAGE;

  // Task 1 setup (running on core 0)
  TaskHandle_t Task1;
  //create a task that will be executed in the Task1code() function, with priority 1 and executed on core 0
    Task1code,   /* Task function. */
    "Task1",     /* name of task. */
    100000,       /* Stack size of task (10000) */
    NULL,        /* parameter of the task */
    1,           /* priority of the task (1 = low, 3 = medium, 5 = highest)*/
    &Task1,      /* Task handle to keep track of created task */
    0);          /* pin task to core 0 */

  // Interrupt timer for variable sample rate playback
  variableTimer = timerBegin(0, 20, true);  // timer 0, MWDT clock period = 12.5 ns * TIMGn_Tx_WDT_CLK_PRESCALE -> 12.5 ns * 20 -> 250 ns = 0.25 us, countUp
  timerAttachInterrupt(variableTimer, &variablePlaybackTimer, true); // edge (not level) triggered
  timerAlarmWrite(variableTimer, variableTimerTicks, true); // autoreload true
  timerAlarmEnable(variableTimer); // enable

  // Interrupt timer for fixed sample rate playback
  fixedTimer = timerBegin(1, 20, true);  // timer 1, MWDT clock period = 12.5 ns * TIMGn_Tx_WDT_CLK_PRESCALE -> 12.5 ns * 20 -> 250 ns = 0.25 us, countUp
  timerAttachInterrupt(fixedTimer, &fixedPlaybackTimer, true); // edge (not level) triggered
  timerAlarmWrite(fixedTimer, fixedTimerTicks, true); // autoreload true
  timerAlarmEnable(fixedTimer); // enable

// =======================================================================================================
// =======================================================================================================

static unsigned long dacOffsetMicros;
boolean dacInit;

void dacOffsetFade() {
  if (!dacInit) {
    if (micros() - dacOffsetMicros > 100) { // Every 0.1ms
      dacOffsetMicros = micros();
      dacOffset ++; // fade DAC offset slowly to prevent it from popping, if ESP32 powered up after amplifier
      if (dacOffset == 128) dacInit = true;

void mapThrottle(int16_t gas) {

  // Input is global value out of DualdriveMixer with output 0-500 for forward and backwards (VF 06.01.2021)
  currentThrottle = gas;

  // Auto throttle --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // Auto throttle while gear shifting (synchronizing the Tamiya 3 speed gearbox)
  if (!escIsBraking && escIsDriving && shiftingAutoThrottle) {
    if (gearUpShiftingInProgress) currentThrottle = 0; // No throttle
    if (gearDownShiftingInProgress) currentThrottle = 500; // Full throttle

  // Volume calculations --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // As a base for some calculations below, fade the current throttle to make it more natural
  static unsigned long throttleFaderMicros;
  if (micros() - throttleFaderMicros > 500) { // Every 0.5ms
    throttleFaderMicros = micros();

    if (currentThrottleFaded < currentThrottle && currentThrottleFaded < 499) currentThrottleFaded += 2;
    if (currentThrottleFaded > currentThrottle && currentThrottleFaded > 2) currentThrottleFaded -= 2;

  // Calculate throttle dependent engine idle volume
  if (!escIsBraking && engineRunning) throttleDependentVolume = map(currentThrottleFaded, 0, 500, engineIdleVolumePercentage, fullThrottleVolumePercentage);
  else throttleDependentVolume = engineIdleVolumePercentage;

  // Calculate throttle dependent engine rev volume
  if (!escIsBraking && engineRunning) throttleDependentRevVolume = map(currentThrottleFaded, 0, 500, engineRevVolumePercentage, fullThrottleVolumePercentage);
  else throttleDependentRevVolume = engineRevVolumePercentage;

  // Calculate engine rpm dependent jake brake volume
  if (engineRunning) rpmDependentJakeBrakeVolume = map(currentRpm, 0, 500, jakeBrakeIdleVolumePercentage, 100);
  else rpmDependentJakeBrakeVolume = jakeBrakeIdleVolumePercentage;

  // Calculate throttle dependent Diesel knock volume
  if (!escIsBraking && engineRunning && (currentThrottleFaded > dieselKnockStartPoint)) throttleDependentKnockVolume = map(currentThrottleFaded, dieselKnockStartPoint, 500, dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage, 100);
  else throttleDependentKnockVolume = dieselKnockIdleVolumePercentage;

  // Calculate engine rpm dependent turbo volume
  if (engineRunning) throttleDependentTurboVolume = map(currentRpm, 0, 500, turboIdleVolumePercentage, 100);
  else throttleDependentTurboVolume = turboIdleVolumePercentage;

  // Calculate engine rpm dependent cooling fan volume
  if (engineRunning && (currentRpm > fanStartPoint)) throttleDependentFanVolume = map(currentRpm, fanStartPoint, 500, fanIdleVolumePercentage, 100);
  else throttleDependentFanVolume = fanIdleVolumePercentage;

  // Calculate throttle dependent supercharger volume
  if (!escIsBraking && engineRunning && (currentRpm > chargerStartPoint)) throttleDependentChargerVolume = map(currentThrottleFaded, chargerStartPoint, 500, chargerIdleVolumePercentage, 100);
  else throttleDependentChargerVolume = chargerIdleVolumePercentage;

  // Calculate engine rpm dependent wastegate volume
  if (engineRunning) throttleDependentWastegateVolume = map(currentRpm, 0, 500, wastegateIdleVolumePercentage, 100);
  else throttleDependentWastegateVolume = wastegateIdleVolumePercentage;

  // Calculate engine load (used for torque converter slip simulation)
  engineLoad = currentThrottle - currentRpm;
  if (engineLoad < 0 || escIsBraking) engineLoad = 0; // Range is 0 - 500
  if (engineLoad > 180) engineLoad = 180;

// =======================================================================================================
// =======================================================================================================

void engineMassSimulation() {

  static int32_t  targetRpm = 0;        // The engine RPM target
  static int32_t  lastThrottle;
  uint16_t converterSlip;
  static unsigned long throtMillis;
  static unsigned long printMillis;
  static unsigned long wastegateMillis;
  uint8_t timeBase;

  timeBase = 6; // super slow running, heavy engines, for example locomotive diesels
  timeBase = 2;

  if (millis() - throtMillis > timeBase) { // Every 2 or 6ms
    throtMillis = millis();

    // Virtual clutch **********************************************************************************
    if ((currentThrottle < clutchEngagingPoint && currentRpm < maxClutchSlippingRpm) || gearUpShiftingInProgress || gearDownShiftingInProgress || neutralGear || currentRpm < 200) {
      clutchDisengaged = true;
    else {
      clutchDisengaged = false;

    // Transmissions ***********************************************************************************

    // automatic transmission ----
    if (automatic) {
      // Torque converter slip calculation
      if (selectedAutomaticGear < 2) converterSlip = engineLoad * 2; // more slip in first and reverse gear
      else converterSlip = engineLoad;

      if (!neutralGear) targetRpm = currentThrottle * gearRatio[selectedAutomaticGear] / 10 + converterSlip; // Compute engine RPM
      else targetRpm = reMap(curveLinear, currentThrottle);
    else if (doubleClutch) {
      // double clutch transmission
      if (!neutralGear) targetRpm = currentThrottle * gearRatio[selectedAutomaticGear] / 10; // Compute engine RPM
      else targetRpm = reMap(curveLinear, currentThrottle);

    else {
      // Manual transmission ----
      if (clutchDisengaged) { // Clutch disengaged: Engine revving allowed
        targetRpm = currentThrottle;
        targetRpm = reMap(curveLinear, currentThrottle);
      else { // Clutch engaged: Engine rpm synchronized with ESC power (speed)

#if defined VIRTUAL_3_SPEED || defined VIRTUAL_16_SPEED_SEQUENTIAL // Virtual 3 speed or sequential 16 speed transmission
        targetRpm = currentThrottle * virtualManualGearRatio[selectedGear] / 10; // Add virtual gear ratios
        if (targetRpm > 500) targetRpm = 500;

#else // Real 3 speed transmission
        targetRpm = reMap(curveLinear, currentThrottle);

    // Engine RPM **************************************************************************************

    if (escIsBraking && currentThrottle < clutchEngagingPoint) targetRpm = 0; // keep engine @idle rpm, if braking at very low speed
    if (targetRpm > 500) targetRpm = 500;

    // Accelerate engine
    if (targetRpm > (currentRpm + acc) && (currentRpm + acc) < maxRpm && engineState == 2 && engineRunning) {
      if (!airBrakeTrigger) { // No acceleration, if brake release noise still playing
        if (!gearDownShiftingInProgress) currentRpm += acc;
        else currentRpm += acc / 2; // less aggressive rpm rise while downshifting
        if (currentRpm > maxRpm) currentRpm = maxRpm;

    // Decelerate engine
    if (targetRpm < currentRpm) {
      currentRpm -= dec;
      if (currentRpm < minRpm) currentRpm = minRpm;

    // Limit top speed, depending on manual gear ratio. Ensures, that the engine will not blow up!
    if (!automatic && !doubleClutch) speedLimit = maxRpm * 10 / virtualManualGearRatio[selectedGear];

    // Speed (sample rate) output
    engineSampleRate = map(currentRpm, minRpm, maxRpm, maxSampleInterval, minSampleInterval); // Idle

  // Prevent Wastegate from being triggered while downshifting
  if(gearDownShiftingInProgress) wastegateMillis = millis();

  // Trigger Wastegate, if throttle rapidly dropped
  if (lastThrottle - currentThrottle > 70 && millis() - wastegateMillis > 1000) {
    wastegateMillis = millis();
    wastegateTrigger = true;
  lastThrottle = currentThrottle;

// =======================================================================================================
// =======================================================================================================

void engineOnOff(bool swap) {

  if (swap) {               // Engine switched on or off depending on multiswitch (a) position and 1s delay time
     engineOn = true;       // start the engine
     //Serial.print(" - trigger switch on ");
  else {
      engineOn = false;     // switch engine off
      // Serial.print(" - trigger switch off ");

    if (millis() - lastStateTime > 300) { // Print the data every 300ms
      lastStateTime = millis();
      Serial.print("engineState: ");Serial.print(engineState);
      Serial.print(", engineOn: ");Serial.print(engineOn);
      Serial.print(", engineRunning: ");Serial.print(engineRunning);
      Serial.print(", engineStop: ");Serial.print(engineStop);

// =======================================================================================================
// =======================================================================================================

unsigned long loopDuration() {
  static unsigned long timerOld;
  unsigned long loopTime;
  unsigned long timer = millis();
  loopTime = timer - timerOld;
  timerOld = timer;
  return loopTime;

// =======================================================================================================
// SIMULATED States for standing, braking and running
// =======================================================================================================

void DriveState() {

  static int8_t driveRampRate;
  static int8_t driveRampGain;
  static int8_t brakeRampRate;
  uint8_t escRampTime;

  // Gear dependent ramp speed for acceleration & deceleration
#if defined VIRTUAL_3_SPEED
  escRampTime = escRampTimeThirdGear * 10 / virtualManualGearRatio[selectedGear];

  //escRampTime = escRampTimeThirdGear;// * 10 / map(virtualManualGearRatio[selectedGear], 155, 10, 23, 10);
  escRampTime = escRampTimeThirdGear * virtualManualGearRatio[selectedGear] / 5;

#else // TAMIYA 3 speed shifting transmission
  if (selectedGear == 1) escRampTime = escRampTimeFirstGear; // about 20
  if (selectedGear == 2) escRampTime = escRampTimeSecondGear; // about 50
  if (selectedGear == 3) escRampTime = escRampTimeThirdGear; // about 75

    // calulate throttle dependent brake & acceleration steps
    brakeRampRate = map (currentThrottle, 0, 500, 1, escBrakeSteps);
    driveRampRate = map (currentThrottle, 0, 500, 1, escAccelerationSteps);

    if (millis() - lastStateTime > 300) { // Print the data every 300ms
      lastStateTime = millis();
      Serial.print("driveState: ");Serial.println(driveState);
      Serial.print("brakeRampRate: ");Serial.println(brakeRampRate);
      Serial.print("currentRpm: ");Serial.println(currentRpm);
      // Serial.print("targetRpm: ");Serial.println(targetRpm);
      Serial.print("currentThrottle: ");Serial.println(currentThrottle);
      Serial.print("airBrakeTrigger: ");Serial.println(airBrakeTrigger);

    // Drive state state machine **********************************************************************************
    switch (driveState) {

      case 0: // Standing still ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        escIsBraking = false;
        escIsDriving = false;
        if (currentThrottle > 0) driveState = 1;   // Driving forward

      case 1: // Driving forward or Reverse  ---------------------------------------------------------
        escIsBraking = false;
        escIsDriving = true;

        if (gearUpShiftingPulse && shiftingAutoThrottle) { // lowering RPM, if shifting up transmission
          gearUpShiftingPulse = false;
        if (gearDownShiftingPulse && shiftingAutoThrottle) { // increasing RPM, if shifting down transmission
          gearDownShiftingPulse = false;

        if (ThrottleHistory < (currentThrottle - ThrottleZone)) driveState = 2; // Braking forward or reverse
        if (currentThrottle == 0) driveState = 0; // standing still

      case 2: // Braking forward ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        escIsBraking = true;
        escIsDriving = false;

        if (currentThrottle > ThrottleHistory - ThrottleZone) {
          driveState = 1;                         // Driving forward
          airBrakeTrigger = true;
        if (currentThrottle == 0) {
          driveState = 0;                         // standing still
          airBrakeTrigger = true;
    } // End of state machine **********************************************************************************

    // Gain for drive ramp rate, depending on clutchEngagingPoint
    if (currentThrottle < clutchEngagingPoint) {
      if (!automatic  && !doubleClutch) driveRampGain = 2; // prevent clutch from slipping too much (2)
      else driveRampGain = 4; // Automatic transmission needs to catch immediately (4)
    else driveRampGain = 1;

    ThrottleHistory = currentThrottle;          // prepair for next state calculation


// =======================================================================================================
// =======================================================================================================

void automaticGearSelector() {

  static unsigned long gearSelectorMillis;
  static unsigned long lastUpShiftingMillis;
  static unsigned long lastDownShiftingMillis;
  uint16_t downShiftPoint = 200;
  uint16_t upShiftPoint = 490;

  if (millis() - gearSelectorMillis > 100) { // Waiting for 100ms is very important. Otherwise gears are skipped!
    gearSelectorMillis = millis();

    // compute load dependent shift points (less throttle = less rpm before shifting up, kick down will shift back!)
    upShiftPoint = map(engineLoad, 0, 180, 390, 490); // 390, 490
    downShiftPoint = map(engineLoad, 0, 180, 150, 250); // 150, 250

    // Adaptive shift points
    if (millis() - lastDownShiftingMillis > 500 && currentRpm >= upShiftPoint && engineLoad < 5) { // 500ms locking timer!
      selectedAutomaticGear ++; // Upshifting (load maximum is important to prevent gears from oscillating!)
      lastUpShiftingMillis = millis();
    if (millis() - lastUpShiftingMillis > 1000 && selectedAutomaticGear > 1 && (currentRpm <= downShiftPoint || engineLoad > 100)) { // 1000ms locking timer!
      selectedAutomaticGear --; // Downshifting incl. kickdown
      lastDownShiftingMillis = millis();

    selectedAutomaticGear = constrain(selectedAutomaticGear, 1, NumberOfAutomaticGears);

    Serial.print("currentThrottle: ");Serial.println(currentThrottle);
    Serial.print("selectedAutomaticGear: ");Serial.println(selectedAutomaticGear);
    Serial.print("engineLoad: ");Serial.println(engineLoad);
    Serial.print("upShiftPoint: ");Serial.println(upShiftPoint);
    Serial.print("currentRpm: ");Serial.println(currentRpm);
    Serial.print("downShiftPoint: ");Serial.println(downShiftPoint);

// =======================================================================================================
// ADDED: Volker Frauenstein 06.02.2021 functions to trigger sounds with multiswitch
// =======================================================================================================

// =======================================================================================================
// =======================================================================================================

void triggerHorn(bool swap) {

  // detect horn trigger
  if (swap) {
    hornTrigger = true;
    hornLatch = true;
    #ifdef SWITCH_DEBUG
      Serial.print("Horn Trigger");
  else {
    hornTrigger = false;
    #ifdef SWITCH_DEBUG
      Serial.print("Horn false"));

// =======================================================================================================
// =======================================================================================================

void triggerSiren(bool swap) {

  // detect siren trigger
  if (swap) {
    sirenTrigger = true;
    sirenLatch = true;
    #ifdef SWITCH_DEBUG
      Serial.print("Siren Trigger");
  else {
    sirenTrigger = false;
    #ifdef SWITCH_DEBUG
      Serial.print("Siren false"));

// =======================================================================================================
// =======================================================================================================

void triggerSound1(bool swap) {

  // detect MG fire trigger
  if (swap) {
    sound1trigger = true;
    #ifdef SWITCH_DEBUG
      Serial.print("MG Trigger");
  else {
    sound1trigger = false;
    #ifdef SWITCH_DEBUG
      Serial.print("Siren false"));
}  // End added functions