* This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
* support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
* any purpose.
* Hallsensor.ino
* Function to read digital/analouge hall sensor as measurement device for positioning finding
* of turntable. A magnet attached to the stepper axis/turntable is needed.
* Author: Volker Frauenstein
* Date: 04/05/2021 Version: 1.2 auto limit finding functions added findMinMax(),setHallLimit()
* Date: 04/05/2021 Version: 1.1 implementation changed to analouge interface to sensor
* due to missing robustnes of digital readings.
* Date: 02/03/2021 Version: 1.0 implementation for digital interface of sensor
// definition for pinout to hall sennsor modul
const int Pin_a = 14; // definition of analouge input pin for hall sensor modul
// generig definitions for debug
//#define DEBUG_HALL 1 // set activ if debuging of hall sensor function is needed
// definitions for adjustable values
int alimit = 3080; // measuered limit for hall sensor defined as triggerd
const int limitquot = 5; // quotient for limit calculaten (5 means 20% of band)
// generig definitions
int HallBand [] = {0,0};
void setup_hall() { // set up function to enable input pin for hall sensor modul
bool read_hall(bool meas) { // function to read out hall sensor analouge value
// and return digital result
bool hallout; // return value, digital readout based on analouge sensor reading
int aread = analogRead(Pin_a); // analouge readout of sensor
Serial.print(", hall sensor anlouge read: ");Serial.print(aread);
if (meas) { // check if limit band should be used
findMinMax(aread); // yes, find min and max values of analoug readings
if (aread > alimit) { // check if analoug reading is in or out off limit
hallout = false; // magnetic fild is near sensor position
else {
hallout = true; // to low magnetic fild seen from sensor
Serial.print("-> sensor return: ");Serial.print(hallout);
return hallout; // return digital value
} // end function read_hall
void findMinMax(int input) { // function to find and store min and max values of analoug readings
if (HallBand[0] == 0) { // init band values with actual reading
HallBand[0] = input;
HallBand[1] = input;
else { // check if actual reading is lower / higer as stored
if (input < HallBand[0]) {HallBand[0] = input;}
if (input > HallBand[1]) {HallBand[1] = input;}
Serial.print(", HallBand: [");Serial.print(HallBand[0]);
} // end function findMinMax
bool setHallLimit(){ // function to reset limit for anloug hall sensor readings
if (HallBand[0] < HallBand[1]) { // check if min and max values are existent
int newLimit = HallBand[1]-HallBand[0]; // calc delta of readings
newLimit = newLimit/limitquot; // take quotiation of delta
alimit = HallBand[1] - newLimit; // and calc new limit inside the found readings
Serial.println("-> new Limit set: ");Serial.print(alimit);
return true; // return success
else {
Serial.println("-> Warning: No new Limit set! ");
return false; // return error
} // end function setHallLimit
/* digital readout not used due to unstable readout
const int Pin_h = 14; // definition of digital input pin for hall sensor modul
bool read_hall() {
bool readout = digitalRead(Pin_h);
int aread = analogRead(Pin_a);
Serial.print("hall sensor read: ");Serial.print(readout);Serial.print(", analog: ");Serial.print(aread);
if (readout) {
if (HallLow[0] == 0) {
HallLow[0] = aread;
HallLow[1] = aread;
else {
if (aread < HallLow[0]) {HallLow[0] = aread;}
if (aread > HallLow[1]) {HallLow[1] = aread;}
else {
if (HallHigh[0] == 0) {
HallHigh[0] = aread;
HallHigh[1] = aread;
else {
if (aread < HallHigh[0]) {HallHigh[0] = aread;}
if (aread > HallHigh[1]) {HallHigh[1] = aread;}
if (aread > alimit) {
readout = false;
else {readout = true;}
Serial.print("-> sensor return: ");Serial.print(readout);
Serial.print(", HallLow: [");Serial.print(HallLow[0]);Serial.print(",");Serial.print(HallLow[1]);
Serial.print("], HallHigh: [");Serial.print(HallHigh[0]);Serial.print(",");Serial.print(HallHigh[1]);Serial.println("]");
return readout;
} /*