 *  This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical
 *  support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for
 *  any purpose.
 *  DualDriveMix3CH.ino
 *  Dual Drive Mixer for a RC vehicles with two drives controlled with PWM motorshields
 *  based on BTS7960 dual-h-bridges. The adapted BTS7960 arduino Lib for the ESP32 architecture
 *  (BTS7960ESP32.h, BTS7960ESP32.ccp) must be available to build this binary.
 *  The functions need the RCPWMRead functions (based on pwmread_rcfailsafe.ino
 *  from Kelvin Nelson and Rc_Engine_Sound_ESP32.ino from TheDIYGuy999) to work.
 *  Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) decoding of RC Receiver (RCPWMRead.ino) must be placed
 *  in same directory to build the binary. Also the calibration steps of the RC inputs must
 *  be done as described in pwmread_rcfailsafe.ino
 *  3 RC Channels are used for the mixer, because we have two different modes. At startup
 *  the manual mode is predefined to controll the two motors direct.
 *  The not used RC channel will trigger the mode switch if both motors are on neutral.
 *  In mixed mode one RC channel is controlling the direction and the other RC Channel is
 *  controlling the speed.
 *  Definitions for deadzones and agility of steering are forseen and should be adjusted.
 *  Author: Volker Frauenstein
 *  Date: 13/01/2021 Version 1.3: interface adaptation for blinking RGB-LED
 *  Date: 06/01/2021 Version 1.2: added function to interface to sound (power)
 *  Date: 05/01/2021 Version 1.1: migration to ESP32 architecture including
 *                                ESP32 Lib for BTS7960, set_LEDstate calls added
 *  Date: 12/12/2020 Version 1.0: Dual Drive Mixer implementation for Arduino Nano

// Definitions to handle output signals to BTS7960 motorshilds
#include "BTS7960ESP32.h"                     // include Lib to acces BST7960 Motorshilds

// definition PWM properties
const int freq = 2000;                        // Frequenz of pwm signal output, most efficient is 1-2kHz, but it could howl

// definition for pintout of motor shield 1 (for right hand side drive)
const uint8_t L_PWM_1 = 15;                   // must be a PWM output pin
const uint8_t L_pwmChannel_1 = 0;             // with ESP32 a pwm channel must be defined
const uint8_t R_PWM_1 = 2;                    // must be a PWM output pin
const uint8_t R_pwmChannel_1 = 1;             // with ESP32 a pwm channel must be defined
const uint8_t L_EN_1 = 4;                     // a digital output pin will do
const uint8_t R_EN_1 = 16;                    // a digital output pin will do

// definition motor shield 1 on right hand side  -> must turn left to go forward
BTS7960ESP32 MotorR(L_EN_1, R_EN_1, L_PWM_1, R_PWM_1, freq, L_pwmChannel_1, R_pwmChannel_1);

// definition pitout of motor shield 2 (for left hand side drive)
const uint8_t L_PWM_2 = 17;                  // must be a PWM output pin
const uint8_t L_pwmChannel_2 = 2;            // with ESP32 a pwm channel must be defined
const uint8_t R_PWM_2 = 5;                   // must be a PWM output pin
const uint8_t R_pwmChannel_2 = 3;            // with ESP32 a pwm channel must be defined
const uint8_t L_EN_2 = 18;                   // a digital output pin will do
const uint8_t R_EN_2 = 19;                   // a digital output pin will do

// definition motor shield 2 on left hand side -> must turn right to go forward
BTS7960ESP32 MotorL(L_EN_2, R_EN_2, L_PWM_2, R_PWM_2, freq, L_pwmChannel_2, R_pwmChannel_2);

// definitions for adjustable values
const float deadzoneUp = 0.07;                // upper RC Channel Deadzone of 7%
const float deadzoneDown = -0.07;             // lower RC Channel Deadzone of 7%
const float TdeadzoneUp = 0.50;               // upper RC Channel Deadzone for ModeChange trigger of 50%
const float TdeadzoneDown = -0.50;            // lower RC Channel Deadzone for ModeChange trigger of 50%
const float agilityI = 2;                     // factor for MixedMode to adjust agility of steering for inner side drive (of turn); value > 1 means reverse rotation at higer steering angle
const float agilityO = 0.75;                  // factor for MixedMode to adjust agility of steering for outer side drive (of turn)

// generig definitions
// #define DEBUG_MIX 1
bool MixMode = false;                         // initialize for running mode of drive mixer to manuel-mode
bool ModeChangeTrigger = false;               // flag to trigger Mode change after going back to zero on inactiv Channel
float nRC_t;                                  // amount of RC throttel value for mixed mode calculations
float nRC_mp;                                 // amount of mixing product (steering * throttel) for mixed mode calculations
float MixO;                                   // calculated value for outer side drive in turn within mixed mode
float MixI;                                   // calculated value for inner side drive in turn within mixed mode
bool ModeChange[3] = {false, false, false};   // flag per activ channel to trigger mode change  -> both activ channels in deadzone plus positiv activation of inactiv channel
int countwait = 0;                            // counter to trigger ModeChange after triggertime, all flags must keep condition in waitperiod

void start_DualDriveMix(){                    // set up function to enable the motors

void close_DualDrive(){                       // set up function to enable the motors

// main function of DualDriveMixer for 3 channels
void run_DualDrive(int s, int tr, int tl){

     // MixedMod combines the two drives controlled with one channel to steer left and right and on channel to act as throttle
     // RC Channel 1 (RC_in[s]) is used for steering, RC Channel 4 (RC_in[tl]) ist used as throttel
     // with RC Channel 2 (RC_in[tr]) the mode change can be triggerd
     // the following algorithem is used with factor to controll the agility of cornering.
     // The factor should be between (0,1 to 1) for soft agility and up to 2 for the inner side Drive to create reverse spinning
     // Drive_Outerside = throttle + (factorOuterside * (throttle * steering))
     // Drive_Innerside = throttle - (factorInnerside * (throttle * Steering))

     // ************************************
     // Mixed Mode Drive Controll
     // ************************************
     if (MixMode) {                           // RC channels have been updated, now check drive mode
       nRC_t = abs(RC_in[tl]);                // amount of throttel input precalculated
       nRC_mp = abs(RC_in[s]) * nRC_t;        // mixing product precalculated
       MixO = nRC_t + (agilityO * nRC_mp);    // mixed value for outer side motor
       MixI = nRC_t - (agilityI * nRC_mp);    // mixed value for inner side motor
       if ( RC_in[s] < deadzoneDown ) {       // we are in Mixed Mode: check if steering (channel 1) is to the right
        ModeChange[0] = false;                // modechange precondition 1 not fullfilled
        if ( RC_in[tl] > deadzoneUp ) {       // mix forward and right
         ModeChange[1] = false;               // modechange precondition 2 not fullfilled
         if ( MixI >= 0 ) {
          MotorR.TurnRight(normRC(MixI));     // right motor (inner side) must go slower, MotorR.TurnRight is forward
         else {
          MotorR.TurnLeft(normRC(MixI));      // or reverse (with agility factor > 1
         MotorL.TurnLeft(normRC(MixO));       // left  motor (outer side) must go faster, MotorL.TurnLeft is forward
        else if ( RC_in[tl] < deadzoneDown ) {// mix reverse and right
         ModeChange[1] = false;               // modechange precondition 2 not fullfilled
         if ( MixI >= 0 ) {
          MotorR.TurnLeft(normRC(MixI));      // right motor (inner side) must go slower reverse, MotorR.TurnRight is forward
         else {
          MotorR.TurnRight(normRC(MixI));     // or forward (with agility factor > 1
         MotorL.TurnRight(normRC(MixO));      // left motor (outer side) must go faster reverse
        else {                                // speedcontroll (Channel 4) is neutral
         ModeChange[1] = true;                // modechange precondition 2 fullfillt and do not move motors
         MotorR.TurnRight(0);                 // do not move motors
       else if ( RC_in[s] > deadzoneUp ) {    // check if steering (channel 1) ist to the left
        ModeChange[0] = false;                // modechange precondition 1 not fullfilled
        if ( RC_in[tl] > deadzoneUp ) {       // mix forward and left
         ModeChange[1] = false;               // modechange precondition 2 not fullfilled
         if ( MixI >= 0 ) {
          MotorL.TurnLeft(normRC(MixI));      // left motor (inner side) must go slower
         else {
          MotorL.TurnRight(normRC(MixI));     // or reverse (with agility factor > 1
         MotorR.TurnRight(normRC(MixO));      // right motor (outer side) must go faster
        else if ( RC_in[tl] < deadzoneDown ) {// mix reverse and left
         ModeChange[1] = false;               // modechange precondition 2 not fullfilled
         if ( MixI >= 0 ) {
          MotorL.TurnRight(normRC(MixI));     // left motor (inner side) must go slower reverse
         else {
          MotorL.TurnLeft(normRC(MixI));      // or forward (with agility factor > 1
         MotorR.TurnLeft(normRC(MixO));       // right motor (outer side) must go faster reverse
        else {                                // speedcontroll (Channel 4) is neutral
         ModeChange[1] = true;                // modechange precondition 2 fullfillt and dont move motors
         MotorL.Stop();                       // do not move motors
       else {                                 // ok not right or left, steering is in neutral
        ModeChange[0] = true;                 // modechange precondition 1 fullfilled
        if ( RC_in[tl] > deadzoneUp ) {       // move forwared if above deadzone limit (channel 4)
         ModeChange[1] = false;               // modechange precondition 2 not fullfilled
         MotorR.TurnRight(normRC(RC_in[tl])); // both motors with same speed forward
        else if ( RC_in[tl] < deadzoneDown ) {// move reverse if below deadzone limit
         ModeChange[1] = false;               // modechange precondition 2 not fullfilled
         MotorR.TurnLeft(normRC(RC_in[tl]));  // both motors with same speed reverse
        else {                                // speedcontroll (Channel 4) is also in neutral
         ModeChange[1] = true;                // modechange precondition 2 fullfillt
         MotorL.Stop();                       // do not move motors
       if ( TdeadzoneDown < RC_in[tr] < TdeadzoneUp ) {
        ModeChange[2] = true;                 // Mixed Mode -> channel 2 used to trigger ModeChange
       else ModeChange[2] = false;

       // Set State LED to MixedMode color
       if (!ModeChangeTrigger){               // if we are NOT in modechange process
        if (ModeChange[0] && ModeChange[1]) { // modechanges condition fullfilled
           set_LEDstate(4);                   // LED set to green blinking
        else {
           set_LEDstate(3);                   // LED set to green

       MixMode = CheckModeChange();           // check for modechange

       // mixed throttel for sound (0 to 500)
       power = NormPower(250*(abs(MixO)+abs(MixI)));

       #ifdef DEBUG_MIX                       // print DEBUG data to serial
        Serial.print(" nRC_t: ");Serial.print(nRC_t);Serial.print(" , ");
        Serial.print(" nRC_mp: ");Serial.print(nRC_mp);Serial.print(" , ");
        Serial.print("power: ");Serial.print(power);Serial.print("  ");
        Serial.print(" MixI: ");Serial.print(MixI);Serial.print(" , ");
        Serial.print(" MixO: ");Serial.print(MixO);Serial.print(" , ");
        Serial.print("Mode: ");Serial.print(MixMode);Serial.print("  ");
        for (int i = 0; i<3; i++){
        Serial.print("  ModeCount: ");Serial.print(countwait);
        Serial.print("  Trigger: ");Serial.println(ModeChangeTrigger);

     // ManuelMode is just parsing the values of two RC channels to both drives with deadzone and normation
     // RC Channel 2 (RC_in[tr]) is used for throttel of right motor , RC channel 4 (RC_in[tl]) ist used as throttel of left motor
     // with RC Channel 1 (RC_in[s]) the mode change can be triggerd

     // ************************************
     // Manuel Mode Drive Controll
     // ************************************
     else {                                   // manuel mode is aktiv just send RC input values to motorshilds CH2->RC_in[tr]->MotorR, CH4->RC_in[tl]->MotorL
       if ( RC_in[tr] > deadzoneUp ) {        // Motor control right hand side: move forwared if above deadzone limit
         MotorR.TurnRight(normRC(RC_in[tr])); // MotorR.TurnRight is forward
         ModeChange[0] = false;
       else if ( RC_in[tr] < deadzoneDown ) { // move reverse if below deadzone limit
         ModeChange[0] = false;
       else {
         MotorR.Stop();                       // do not move right motor
         ModeChange[0] = true;
       if ( RC_in[tl] > deadzoneUp ) {        // Motor control left hand side: move forwared if above deadzone limit
         MotorL.TurnLeft(normRC(RC_in[tl]));  // MotorL.TurnLeft is forward
         ModeChange[1] = false;
       else if ( RC_in[tl] < deadzoneDown ) { // move reverse if below deadzone limit
         ModeChange[1] = false;
       else {
         MotorL.Stop();                       // do not move left motor
         ModeChange[1] = true;

       if ( TdeadzoneDown < RC_in[s] < TdeadzoneUp ) {
        ModeChange[2] = true;                 // manuel mode -> channel 1 used to trigger ModeChange
       else ModeChange[2] = false;

       // Set State LED to ManuelMode color
       if (!ModeChangeTrigger){               // if we are NOT in modechange process
        if (ModeChange[0] && ModeChange[1]) { // modechanges condition fullfilled
           set_LEDstate(2);                   // LED set to  blue blinking
        else {
           set_LEDstate(1);                   // LED set to  blue

       MixMode = CheckModeChange();           // check for modechange

       // mixed throttel for sound (0 to 500)
       power = NormPower (250*(abs(RC_in[tr])+ abs(RC_in[tl])));

       #ifdef DEBUG_MIX                       // print DEBUG data to serial
        for (int i = 0; i<4; i++){            // run through each RC channel
         int CH = i+1;
         Serial.print(" ch");Serial.print(CH);Serial.print(": ");
         Serial.print(RC_in[i]);Serial.print(" ->  ");Serial.print(normRC(RC_in[i]));Serial.print("  ");
        Serial.print("power: ");Serial.print(power);Serial.print("  ");
        Serial.print("Mode: ");Serial.print(MixMode);Serial.print("  ");
        for (int i = 0; i<3; i++){
       Serial.print("  ModeCount: ");Serial.print(countwait);
       Serial.print("  Trigger: ");Serial.println(ModeChangeTrigger);
    }                                         // end Mode if
}                                             // function run_DualDrive closed

uint8_t normRC(float RC_value){               // function to norm RC_in percentage into PWM motorshild value
                                              // float (0 till |1|) to uint8 (0 till 255)
   float Buffer;
   uint8_t RCpower;

   Buffer = abs(RC_value);                    // just the amount of the value
   if (Buffer <= 1.0) {                       // compensate values above 1
    Buffer = Buffer*255;                      // normation to uint8_t range
   else {
    Buffer = 255;                             // compensate values above 1
   RCpower = Buffer;                          // copy to unit8
   return RCpower;                            // return result
}                                             // function normRC closed

bool CheckModeChange() {                      // function to check if mode change can be done

  if (!ModeChangeTrigger){                    // change is not triggered
   if (ModeChange[0] && ModeChange[1] && ModeChange[2]) { // trigger condition flags fullfilled
    if (countwait < 5) {                      // but we are waiting to be sure
      countwait ++;
    else {                                    // trigger condition fully fullfilled
      ModeChangeTrigger = true;               // trigger set
      set_LEDstate(5);                        // LED set to yellow
    return MixMode;
   else {                                     // trigger condition not fullfilled
     countwait = 0;
   return MixMode;
 else if (ModeChange[2]){                     // trigger in progress but inactiv channel not to zero
    return MixMode;                           // keep old mode
  else {                                      // Change was triggered and can be fullfilled now
   ModeChangeTrigger = false;
   set_LEDstate(6);                           // switch LED off
   return !MixMode;
}                                             // function ChecModeChange closed

int16_t NormPower (int16_t value) {           // function to limit max power to 500
  if (value >= 500) {                         // compensate values above 500
    return 500;
  if (value < (500*deadzoneUp)) {             // check if value is inside deadzone
    return 0;
  else {                                      // value is in range
    return value;                             // just return